Seems like I’m falling in love with everyone and everyone is falling in love with me, perpetually. What’s happening?
As we rise in consciousness of course our heart begins to blossom. We see and talk with others and begin to appreciate them on a more subtle level. They can see and feel that appreciation as well. Often this subtle feeling is misunderstood as personal love, but it’s not. It’s simply a deep appreciation of bliss the ananda part of sat chit ananda, experienced with someone.
What adds to the confusion is many times lower chakras are enliven, I discuss this dynamic in my book under ‘Gut Enlightenment’. Suffices to say, this is not a personal love affair. It is beautiful and truly enjoyable but probably not really “falling in love”.
Overtime one recognizes it and gets used to it and gradually takes the wedding planner off of speed dial. However, although you become comfy with the experience the person on the other end of this relationship is usually, clueless and it’s so difficult to explain without some level of heartbreak. Every silver lining has its cloud.
Love y’all - kind of? :)