In my previous blog I discussed the pixelated nature of the universe. How everything in creation can be reduced to the tiniest particles. Each particle containing the elements, characteristics of a universe. Self contained, requiring nothing. These tiny particles are not just the ground state of physical matter but that of spiritual matter as well. That would include angels, gods, goddesses, ascended masters, everything. In the highest of realms these tiny individualities are subtle vibrations. They are the finite syllables of the vedas come to life.
Once we put attention on them, acknowledge them, they thrill our very soul. They are bliss incarnate, colorfully bubbling, delivering joy. Take a moment to rest in them even now in your heart using your internal sense of touch to feel them and the experience of their natural joy is yours.
As a collection they serve as the hymns of the vedas. There’s a vedic saying that goes, “he who does not know the hymns of the vedas what can the hymns do for him”. This is a good reason to connect with these tiny beings.
As hymns these tiny guys are functioning as a team creating a flow of vibrating pure consciousness. Consciousness on the move. This movement is directed therefore it is, expressed intelligence. This movement is experienced as a wave. The entirety of the vedas are a collection of these tiny beings functioning in unisons. In Latin “uni” means one and “son” means sound. This is literally what’s being expressed. This one sound is the fundamental characteristic of Veda. And Veda is the fundamental component of everything. We are Veda through and through.
Remember, tiny sweet joyful beings, functioning in unisons as a wave, thrilling from the depths of our soul to the end of the universe.
(Sorry I didn’t write much about the character of the wave function but the fundamental components of the wave needed to be introduced properly. See wave function part 2 for the rest of the story. :)