This blog is about a step of consciousness development seldom addressed. If you haven’t experienced it yet this discussion may cause confusion. If you have experienced it but haven’t embraced it you will now understand why. Let’s begin.
At some point in our evolution we will find that our devotion to our guru, god or goddess is becoming less. We internally know we have attained a good level of evolution but we find ourselves less bound to our icons.
Some time back when I spoke to an enlightened friend about this, he acknowledged having that experience and felt guilty about it. Thinking, how can I be so ungrateful and lose devotion for those that have brought me to this level of consciousness?
Truth is that at some point in our development devotion becomes a hindrance. Wow, what a thing to say.
Devotion is based on a parent/child relationship. But at some point in our development the child grows up. We are no longer in awe of the parent, our teacher, guru, god, goddess. Why? Because we quietly become aware that they have served as guidance even pathways to the divine essence which in the end is our own nature. What now can the guru or god give you. Literally, Nothing.
To maintain an air of devotion at this point would be to falsely support separation were there is none. What now is the difference between you and god. Nothing. You are both of the exact same nature.
In the commentary to chapter 6 verse 32 Maharishi states it nicely by saying, “…devotion reaches its fulfillment in it own extinction…” He continues, “leaving worshiper and worshiped together in perfect oneness…”
From a psychological prospective while in the early stages of our own growth we naturally look outside of ourselves for growth. Someone or something greater than ourselves. Thinking, how could I have or be the answer to my own development so why look internally?
As such, we naturally fall into a child/parent relationship. Once we find someone or something to follow we submit to them/it. Here in lies the seed to devotion. As the child, we are happy to be directed. No need to think. To try and figure out who or what we are. Simply listen and follow.
But one day we Wake-up. Things literally get turned upside down. Although, you are in a state of great bliss you are also totally confused. It’s a new game with new rules you know little about. You are in direct communication with Source. No middle man. No translator. No guide. No pathway. Absolute direct contact. So direct that it's hard to tell the difference between you and the divine. You are the divine. The divine is you. No one needs to tell that because you are living It. Yep, the rules have changed. Now you’re the whole thing. Both sides of the equation. Simultaneously. Its impossible but somehow It is. Its your new reality.
Love. Love. Love. To All ❤️❤️❤️