Yet Another Cosmic Playground.
Self can be experienced in many different ways. It can be in the form of subtle consciousness where you feel yourself to be everything. Found in all objects equally. A Unity Consciousness experience. Or it can be more individualized as an experience of pure consciousness extending from the body for several feet/meters in all directions. The experience of Atman. It can also be experienced as a spiral of lively awareness, with color and song, not only encircling the body but also acting as the inner workings of the spirit body within the physical body. The experience of Veda.
However, on this particular occasion I’d like to discuss the Self as a more solid structure. Many have experienced Self as more of a crystalline structure, gem-like in its nature. This crystalline structure lends itself, when going in the direction of a more solid form, to mathematics, the sacred geometry, as it were. This opens the door to elements of the yantra, powerful geometric patterns often used for meditation.
This crystalline based experience is also referenced in the 8th word of the first verse of the RK Veda as Ratna, meaning hidden treasure or gems. If you feel into Self with a sense of crystalline energy you can experience this unique phenomenon. Self as crystalline, mathematics, yantra, gems. When I do this exercise, I experience these gems sitting in a milky substance a liquid consciousness a type of soma. Feeling into this realm one seamlessly slides into the next and last word of the first verse of RK Veda, Dhatamam (the Giver). The Giver of Ratna. I’ve come to know this as the direct experience of Divine Mother.
Divine Mother in this matter can be experienced as a subtle anthropomorphic being or more truly as final source layer of energy in all its majesty, that being a more abstract experience. A celestial layered cake where each layer can be tasted either individually or as a whole depending on where the experiencer is in their current state of consciousness. Are you resting in individuality or universality? Or perhaps between both thereby taking the experience to the max by experiencing both simultaneously. Feel into That. ❤️